Story & Values

WHY Peak Tennis International?

After spending many months deliberating over a name that would encompass not only the coaching style but also the values and beliefs of our business, the name Peak Tennis International (PTI) was born. In the dictionary, 'peak' is defined as 'greatest, maximum'. This definition encompasses everything that PTI is all about.

Whether it be a kids group lesson, an adult beginners private lesson or an energetic cardio tennis session, each and every person, no matter what the level, is coached and mentored in a way that they will not only have the tools to play tennis, but also the desire and inner drive to perform at their very reach their PEAK. 

We thrive to promote a healthy lifestyle as well as life skills education through all our programs. The PTI family inspires each other to stay active and connected through sports. Human connection is such an important part of a good life balance and our community encourages such an environment. 

PTI’s philosophy is based on a simple yet powerful word that our team advocates: H.A.P.P.Y.  The Human being and the Athlete come first while encouraging Personal life skills. Creating Players and having each individual Yearning to be better, as a player and as a person.

PTI Through The Years

PTI Logo Core Values

A beak of a bird can be seen which represents flying high and reaching your highest potential in whatever your goal might be. Embracing the whole journey along the way while travelling through sunshine and storms. Building strengths and resilience to face adversity as well as learn through it all to become the best version of yourself. Below are the hidden tennis references:

  1. A person with the arm going up for a ball toss and the racket above the head ready to serve (trophy position)

  2. Forehand shot with a follow-through above the head (Rafa Nadal style). 

We also dug deep into the colour psychology and we feel the deep blue and bright orange is a great fit for our brand. The blue is calm, professional, reliable, and trustworthy. The orange is motivational, energetic, radiates positivity, and represents youth which is a big focus in our work.

The PTI Team










Get started with PTI today.