Health & Fitness

“Exercise is the key not only to
physical health but to peace of mind.”

- Nelson Mandela

Our health & fitness community will encourage you to stay committed and we push each other to take care of our bodies & mind. Exercise not only strengthens your body, but it also changes your mind, your attitude, and your mood. An active lifestyle is what we advocate for in order to enhance our overall well-being physically & mentally.

Mental Health Benefits of Exercise

Cardio Tennis

Cardio Tennis is the "third way to play tennis," rather than traditional singles and doubles matches. It is a fun group activity, featuring drills and games, using low-compression balls to give players of all abilities a fun, high-energy workout to music. You get to improve your tennis skills while achieving a great cardio workout burning calories. On average, during a one-hour class, women can burn between 400-600 calories, whereas men can burn up to 1000 calories. Even if you have never played tennis before, you will feel the benefits of Cardio Tennis!

Join us every Monday & Wednesday
from 19:00 - 20:00 MMAC at the Leysin American School

Video by the Lawn Tennis Association

Interested in Cardio Tennis? Send Regina
a message on
WhatsApp: +41 137 5679

“Cardio Tennis gets your heart going, and is such a mood booster with the energetic music and people”

— Suzy

“I always feel energised after the class - even better than coffee - it is a great way to start the day”

— Katy

“Regina’s classes are fun & challenging. I love that the sessions are different each week. I always look forward to the next class.”

— Laura

Want to join us?